NO BORDERS International Art Postcards Exhibition Art, Tourism and Inclusive Growth World Tourism Day
A.C. Quia (project leader), in collaboration with A.C. La Collina dei Ciliegi and APS Il Mandorlo d’Oro, association for social advancement recognized by the Italian Region Lazio – Department for Social Policies, within its statutory objectives, and in relation to the U.N. World Tourism Day – September, 27, established in 1980, which for the year 2021 has chosen the theme “Tourism for Inclusive Growth”, intends to organize an event through which art can allow a global reflection on the importance of tourism as a tool for the personal, social and political growth, and global economic development. Tourism represents a key element in the United Nations “2030 Agenda” in the pursuit of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). In particular, the United Nations recognizes to tourism a key role for the following goals: 1 “No poverty”, 5 “Gender equality and women’s empowerment”, 8 “Decent working conditions and economic growth”, 10 “Reduction of inequalities”.
On such premise, A.C. Quia and its partners
Announce the following call for artists: “No Borders” International Art Postcards exhibition Art, Tourism and Inclusive Growth